Tips To Keep Your Hearing Aid Safe From Water Damage

Hearing aids can be among the best options for those that are suffering from permanent hearing loss. While these devices can provide much-needed relief for those with this condition, they are extremely sensitive. In particular, moisture can cause tremendous damage to these devices, but there are a couple of tips that you can follow to help ensure that your hearing aid does not encounter major problems from water damage.  Consider How Much You Sweat Read More 

The Role Of Family Physicians In Treating Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Family physicians play a key role in recognizing and managing autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in children. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pediatricians and family medicine doctors perform developmental evaluations and autism screening to detect early signs of ASD at a baby's 18- and 24-month well-child visits. If these initial screenings suggest developmental delays, a family physician can then refer the child to the appropriate specialists for comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. Read More 

Suffering From Acne And Dry Skin At The Same Time? Try These Tips!

Most people think that oily skin and acne go together. However, if you suffer from dry skin, you know that acne can be a chronic problem that's difficult to fix with over-the-counter treatments. Most over-the-counter acne medications are intentionally drying to the skin, which will only make your condition worse. Here's how to handle acne on dry skin. 1.) Use a facial soap that's non-drying and don't wash too often. Read More 

3 Alternative Medical Treatments For Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that causes the joints to become inflamed, causing pain and difficulty moving the affected area. There are a few types of arthritis, but regardless of the type you have, there are some alternative treatments you can try to get relief: Acupuncture for Arthritis The scientific explanation of acupuncture shows that the treatment can stimulate nerves in the skin and muscle tissues, triggering the body to release pain-relieving enzymes. Read More 

3 Common Problems Of Water Softeners And How You Can Fix Them

Occasional problems with your water softener could leave you less than enthused about it. Fortunately, many problems that you would experience with the softener can be easily repaired without the need to call for service. Here are some common problems and what you can do to fix them. Development of Salt Bridge Over time, your water softener might build up a salt bridge. The salt will form a crust that is visible at the top of the tank. Read More