Poisoning And Children: How Pediatric Urgent Care Can Help

When you are miles and miles away from the nearest hospital, every second counts in an emergency. When the patient is your child, it becomes even more urgent that you get help right away. If you currently take your child to a pediatrician nearby, make sure the pediatrician's office provides pediatric urgent care. In emergency cases involving children and poisoning, here is how pediatric urgent care can help. Emergency Care with No Waiting Time Read More 

Managing And Treating Hernias

Hernias are a common medical problem that may occur spontaneously, such as while lifting objects or straining, or it may be part of a predisposition due to weakness of the abdominal wall. There are ways to reduce the likelihood of a hernia and manage the condition if it occurs. Prevention Since there are activities that can make your odds of having one or more hernias more common, you should make an effort to reduce their likelihood. Read More 

How Chiropractic Palpation Can Discover Serious Conditions

A chiropractor sometimes orders x-rays to see any major misalignment of your vertebrae. However, several other chiropractors skip the x-rays unless they can palpate or see potentially disturbing issues with your spine. A visual cue is a severe s-curve in your back, or your shoulders clearly do not align over your hips. Palpating for problems may find things the naked eye does not see or notice. Here is how chiropractors use palpation to find serious conditions in your back. Read More 

Tips For Getting Birth Control As A Teen

If you are a teenager that is trying to get birth control, you might encounter some resistance from your parents. This can be frustrating to you because it is possibly putting your sexual health in danger and is keeping you from regulating your periods and your hormones. Here are some tips for getting birth control as a teen. 1. Go to the Gynecologist With Your Parents The first thing that you need to do is get an appointment with a doctor that is able to prescribe you birth control. Read More 

Teenager Addicted To AMT? Information About This Dangerous Drug

AMT (Alpha-methyltryptamine) is a psychedelic drug that produces hallucinations in the people that take it. Drug addiction is hard to deal with in any family but is especially so when it comes to someone that is young. If your teenager is addicted to AMT, below is some information about it and how you can help them get off this dangerous drug. What AMT Looks Like In many cases, you will see AMT as a powder that is generally placed into small plastic or glass vials. Read More