Temporary Hair Loss In Women

Dermatologists care for hair, as well as skin issues, including hair loss. Many events in women's lives can lead to thinning hair, such as childbirth, menopause, illness, and periods of emotional stress. In some cases hair loss is temporary and can resolve on its own. Dermatologists can determine the cause of thinning hair and plan a course of action to treat the problem. Are You Really Losing Your Hair? Noticing a larger quantity of hair left behind on your brush, pillow, or shower can be alarming. Read More 

Is Frank Sick? 6 Signs Your Goldfish Needs Attention

You might take your cat in for bladder surgery or maybe your dog goes to the vet for annual shots, but would you ever consider bringing in your goldfish for a life-saving operation? One fish named George had an owner that did exactly that. Next time you feel bad about doling out cash to care for your furry friend at a place like Munster Animal Hospital, you might want to think about all those times you could have recognized the signs of illness in your pet goldfish. Read More