Most people think you get an STD from having sex. While this is true, there are many other ways you can get sexually transmitted diseases. Read below so you can keep yourself healthy so you do not contract or spread STDs around to other people.
Having Oral Sex
Your partner may have an STD, such as herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, and not even know it. They may have symptoms that are very mild, such as extra discharge from the vagina, or have no symptoms at all.
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When you are a runner, there are a number of injuries that can happen to your feet. There are 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles and ligaments. The foot is a very complex appendage and if you do not properly take care of it, especially when you do a lot of running, you will risk serious injury. Some of these injuries include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and runner's knee.
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Whether you're heading to an appointment with your general practitioner or are visiting an urgent care center because of a medical emergency, it can be easy to develop feelings of anxiety. Although the unknown nature of your appointment can initially be a little unnerving, it's important to remember that you're in the capable hands of a physician who is dedicated to your care. If you have a little trouble remembering this fact, you can focus on some simple relaxation methods that can help melt away your anxiety.
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The debate over whether to vaccinate against common viruses has appeared in the media several times over the years, sometimes causing parents to question their decision on the matter. The truth is, there is a lot of solid science on one side, and a lot of solid statistics on the other, making it hard to get a truly accurate read on the matter. In order to make the most well-informed decision on vaccinating your child you first have to better understand the positions of both sides of this matter.
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There are all kinds of great energy supplements on the market today. These supplements can help you to get through your day with ease...and with enough energy left over to do things like spend time with your family or even get in a little exercise. However, before you choose and start taking an energy supplement, and even after you do, there are things you should do to ensure you get the maximum benefit from the products you are using.
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