If you are over the age of 50 and just received news from your bone density that you have osteopenia, the first stage of osteoporosis, you are not alone. This is a common health problem for women that are in this age category, but there are things you can do that will help stop this condition from worsening. Exercising is the best remedy you have for this, and here are the top three types of exercises you should focus on to stop your osteoporosis from worsening.
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Problems with your thyroid can trigger a host of symptoms and complications, including fatigue, hair loss, heart palpitations and weight gain. If your symptoms also include a sore throat or trouble swallowing, your doctor may suspect that you have nodules on your thyroid. The best way to diagnose this is the use of an ultrasound. Here are a few things you should know about thyroid ultrasound procedures.
The Basics Of The Thyroid Ultrasound
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While it is common for girls to start talking before boys, boys should still hit most of the major developmental milestones regarding speech and language around the same time as their female counterparts do. However, the instance of language delays is higher in boys than girls, most likely due to exposure to higher amounts of testosterone while they are developing. Because boys may be at higher risk for language delays, it is important that the parents of boys remain aware of how they can support their child's language patterns.
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Yoga is a great way to keep healthy that doesn't require any specialized equipment, and since it's low impact, it's a fantastic way for women that are quite pregnant to exercise. However, while there are a million guides to beginner yoga out there, you may have trouble differentiating between those exercises that would be good for you and those that would put undue stress on your body. If you're looking for a few exercises you can do safely while pregnant, then here's what you need to know.
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If you are a senior and have urge incontinence, then you probably have sudden urges to urinate on a frequent basis. Medications can be used to help reduce your urge to urinate. You can also take steps to change some of your habits to reduce urge incontinence. Some of these changes may even be fairly easy for you to implement. Keep reading to learn about a few diet change examples.
Drink Enough Water
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