Tips To Keep Your Hearing Aid Safe From Water Damage

Hearing aids can be among the best options for those that are suffering from permanent hearing loss. While these devices can provide much-needed relief for those with this condition, they are extremely sensitive. In particular, moisture can cause tremendous damage to these devices, but there are a couple of tips that you can follow to help ensure that your hearing aid does not encounter major problems from water damage. 

Consider How Much You Sweat

It may seem like keeping your hearing aid safe from water damage should be easy, but people often underestimate the amount of sweat that they produce. Interestingly, this is a major threat to hearing aids because it can cause water damage, and as a result, it is important for you to consider the amount you sweat when choosing a model. 

If you produce a lot of sweat over the course of an average day, you should consider investing in a waterproof hearing aid. While these models are more expensive than traditional ones, it will still be less expensive than replacing multiple hearing aids. Also, this will allow you to use the hearing aid when you are swimming. 

Invest In A Drying Chamber

For those that choose not to invest in a waterproof hearing aid, it is important to buy a drying chamber. These chambers are designed to remove water that has accumulated in the device over the course of the day. This occurs because the plastic of the hearing aid will be cooler than the surrounding air, and this causes condensation to form. 

To combat this, a dry chamber is designed to remove the moisture in the air in it, which will allow the condensation in the hearing aid to evaporate. This is done through one of two techniques. The most common uses a fabric that absorbs moisture from the air to accomplish this goal. Another one utilizes a dehumidifier to circulate dry air through the chamber. In order for these chambers to effectively keep your hearing aid safe, you will need to place it in the tank everyday when you are sleeping. 

For those that need a hearing aid, it is important to understand the need to keep the hearing aid safe from water damage. This type of damage can ruin your hearing aid, which can significantly increase the cost of alleviating your hearing loss. By considering whether a waterproof device is needed and the benefits of a drying chamber, you can help keep your hearing aid safe. 

For more information on hearing aids, contact a company like Jacobs Clinical Diagnostics.
