Microbes are small living organisms. Almost all larger living things are hosts for microbes, but non-living things can carry organisms on their surfaces too. In laboratory testing, microbes are usually viruses or bacteria, or part of the genetic material of a specific individual or animal species. DNA tests that utilize next generation sequencing, like those tests run at Fry Labratories, are invaluable to testing microbes. Here are five benefits of using next gen sequencing for microbes and what it means to humans.
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As enjoyable as swimming is, it is not gentle on the eyes. Particles and chemicals in the water can affect your eyes in a different way, leading to various levels of vision problems. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy swimming without risking your vision:
Don't Swim With Your Contacts
If you wear contact lenses, try as much as possible not to swim with them. The contacts can trap both bacteria and dirt particles, both of which are disastrous for your eyes.
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Now that your parent is a senior citizen, there are various health issues that you have to worry more about. For example, as people get older, they can begin to lose bone mass. This can cause them to be more prone to injuries like spinal compression fractures. Even though these things might not be completely avoidable, there are steps that you can take that can help you protect your mom or dad.
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If you aren't sexually active, you might assume that birth control pills are something that you don't need to worry about. However, birth control pills can actually be helpful even for women who are not sexually active. Here's why:
1. Be Prepared
Even if you aren't sexually active right now, this could change at some point. If so, it's important to make sure that you are prepared. It is suggested that you take birth control pills for at least a week before you rely on them alone to prevent pregnancy.
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If the median nerve that runs along the forearm to the palm of your hand becomes compressed, carpal tunnel syndrome may occur. Symptoms include numbness or tingling in your hands and fingers. Often, symptoms start gradually and progress over time. In other circumstances, such as acute injury, the symptoms may occur suddenly. Carpal tunnel is common and non-surgical treatments such as splinting and resting the affected hand are often enough to provide relief.
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