3 Common Problems Of Water Softeners And How You Can Fix Them

Occasional problems with your water softener could leave you less than enthused about it. Fortunately, many problems that you would experience with the softener can be easily repaired without the need to call for service. Here are some common problems and what you can do to fix them. Development of Salt Bridge Over time, your water softener might build up a salt bridge. The salt will form a crust that is visible at the top of the tank. Read More 

How To Stop Toenail Fungal Infections In Their Tracks

A toenail fungal infection can cause foul odors, discoloration among other complications such as distorted nail shape, scaly skin around the infected nail or even permanent damage to the affected nails. Unfortunately, most people do not pay close attention to the health of their toenails, and since fungal infections are usually painless, they do not even realize they have a problem until their nails are severely damaged. Keeping your toenails in top shape is not so difficult, and with a little care, you can prevent or stop toenail fungal infections in their tracks. Read More 

Safe And Enjoyable Sex After Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a heady mix of anticipation and nervousness. Especially during a first pregnancy, the physical and hormonal changes that a woman's body goes through can seem alarming. Many women wonder whether their bodies will really recover after giving birth. Men, too, may suffer from preconceptions about what pregnancy does to a woman's body – that she will enjoy sex less after giving birth or that she will be vaginally " Read More 

Got Belly Fat? 2 Ways You Can Shrink It Down

Belly fat seems to be the hardest to get rid of on your body, but you can do it with determination and discipline. Weight in the middle also increases your chances of developing high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. Below are some helpful tips to help you get back in shape again. Exercise Exercise is good for your heart, as well as your body. You should learn the right types of exercises to do for your belly fat, as different exercises target different areas of your body. Read More 

Four Common Back Pain Problems For Ballet Dancers

Ballet dancers are known for suffering a host of bodily aches and pains, and the back is one place where injuries and discomfort are common. Here's a look at four common back pain issues for ballet dancers in the lumbar, or lower spine, area (versus the cervical or thoracic spine). Those five vertebrae between the ribs and the pelvis can be a devil of a problem! Sacralisation While there are normally five distinct lumbar vertebrae, sometimes the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5) is fused with the sacrum (pelvis). Read More