Foot Fungus After Military Service? Where’d That Come From?
Veterans go through a lot during their service, and there's no shortage of injuries and conditions that can slow down or weaken civilian life. Not all problems are massive tragedies such as missing limbs and depression, and there are even problems that are less of an issue than head pains or leg problems. Every military veteran, regardless of their job code, has some experience with a terrible combination of events that could lead to foot fungus. Take a look at how the problem could have started and what you can do to recover from onychomycosis.
Where Did The Fungus Come From?
In the military, you're introduced to people of all walks of life from not only across the country, but many allied nations. It's not easy to know the living conditions of many people you've worked or lodged with without asking, and shared resources such as showers and bathrooms can lead to infections and transfers that aren't easy to discover. It doesn't matter if you're an Army soldier, Navy sailor, Marine, Airman or Airwoman, every branch deals with many of the same exposure risks.
The military shares a lot of health information both officially and by word of mouth with your fellow servicemembers. Don't use the showers without shower sandals, as you don't know what another person might be carrying. Don't walk without shoes in common areas for the same reason. Although these practices greatly reduce your chance of getting an ailment such as foot fungus, it doesn't completely stop the threat.
Showering with shower shoes or sandals can still expose you to different types of foreign bodies at a small scale if you're in high water near an infected person or directly after an infected person, and that could have been your contact. If you've accidentally put on someone else's socks (when you're tired, in pain and dealing with the elements, it can happen), that could be another contact. You have to put your feet somewhere while getting changed, and there's no telling who could have walked past your sleeping rack on a ship or your part of the barracks.
Boots: An Incubation Of Fungi
Once your foot has been introduced to foot fungus, the uniform doesn't make it hard for the fungus to grow. The standard military uniform of all branches includes either a boot or a steel-toed shoe, save for the most decorative of administrative jobs.
If you're walking around in boots in a career that needs you on call 365 days out of the year, that's a lot of dark time for your feet. Add to that the current nature of conflict. The Middle East is the hot topic, and even though much of the Middle East is a dry heat, your feet are trapped in sweaty boots. Even with advanced ventilation that doesn't feel terrible once you're used to it, you still have a dark, moist environment for fungus in your toenails to fester.
Nail fungus treatment can help you reverse years of being on duty, whether you're a 12-hour watch-stander, a day worker or a field warrior on your feet at a moment's notice. For more information, contact Oregon Foot Clinic or a similar location.