3 Things Your OBGYN Can Help You With During Your Pregnancy
It's no joke when people say that a woman's body goes through a lot of huge changes when they are pregnant. And because of these changes, you will notice things may not work or function as they normally do. You will also learn that there are a lot of medicines you shouldn't take and some foods you shouldn't eat. While some of this may seem confusing and overwhelming, it doesn't need to be. Your OBGYN will be there to answer any questions you may have, and will have a variety of possible solutions for you. This article will discuss three things that your OBGYN can help you with during your pregnancy.
Help Dealing With Constipation
With a growing uterus and other changes going on inside of your body, it's no surprise that your bowels may sometimes become quite clogged, leading to constipation. If this is a problem for you, your doctor will recommend a few different things. There are a variety of stool softeners that are safe to take, as well as some suppositories. Stool softeners are good for softening the new stool that is being created and suppositories are good for breaking down and removing old stool that is blocking you off. They will list these for you and may even be able to give you samples. They may also suggest trying a different prenatal vitamin that contains a lower dose of iron, due to the fact that iron can also cause constipation.
What Medicines You Can Take To Get Over An Illness
Getting sick when you are pregnant is often the worst, because you aren't sure what you can take for it. Many women will often take nothing, but this isn't how it has to be. Instead you should visit or call your OBGYN; tell them what illness you have and ask them what medicines are safe for you and how much you can take. Also, keep in mind that if you can't get a hold of your OBGYN for one reason or another, you can also ask your nurse or your pharmacist for help.
Knowing What Is And Isn't Normal
As stated earlier, your body will go through a lot of changes during pregnancy. However, sometimes it can be hard to know what is and isn't normal. The best way to get an answer to these questions is to ask your OBGYN. For example, they will be able to tell you that enlarged breasts and extra vaginal mucus is normal, but that excessive vaginal bleeding may not be.